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Parent/Student Contract


Parent /Student Contract

The School will require parents and students to sign separate Parent and Student Agreements (Contracts). The home-school partnership is solidified through a Student/Parent Contract, entered into as a requisite for initial and continued enrollment at the School.
The Contract will be implemented as a major initiative of the School and parents willingly agree to the required 10 hours of service as an investment in the child’s education. The School will provide various options to allow parents to meet this obligation.
Through the contract, parents and students agree, as members of the Victory Charter Schools family, to abide by all of the school rules and regulations, and specifically, the parent contract stipulates various items that will be utilized in support of the child’s education, providing certain means for ensuring their success. For example, the parent contract dictates:

  • The School’s Student Code of Excellence and the Osceola School District Code of Student Conduct and acknowledges subsequent receipt of same at the time of registration.
  • The School’s attendance policy that speaks to withholding of credit due to absences, excused absences, the tardy policy and authority for signing students out from school, and consequences, such as detention, etc.
  • The School’s uniform policy and acknowledgment of parent/student handbook receipt at time of registration.
  • The parent’s responsibility to provide transportation to and from the School, unless transportation has been approved by the School for those students with special needs.
  • The 10 hours of parental volunteerism prior to the last day of school
  • That breach of the parental contract may result in the child’s losing preferential re-enrollment status at the School for the following school year, meaning they may not automatically articulate to the next grade level without reapplying for open enrollment.